Monday, January 25, 2010

Born to Be

Been a few days since I posted so to recap!

I had a wonderful three day weekend last weekend that included a visit from my daddy. He is currently doing business in GA and since he was off MLK weekend he drove down to visit :) We had such a great time visiting and I love the fact that my husband and father can get along so well... I'm truly blessed. It was such a short visit and I was really sad to see him go again. Living so far away I never know the next chance we will get to visit, so unexpected trips are really nice.
I spent Monday and Tuesday..running errands, cleaning house and truly enjoying my moments of freedom..without the sound of phone ringing. I was cleaning house one of those days and Dr Phil happened to be on. I have near been a huge fan of the man, I feel he does have some valid points, but just been a huge fan. Well considering not much else is on during the day I figured I would see what he had to say. I don't really remember what the show was about but I do remember something he said about his wife..."She was born to be a mother". First things first..I'm not a mother nor are we pregnant...but something hit me when he said that. I get so frustrated with my job, people don't often realize how emotional draining my job is and its non-stop our phones ring all day every least on my shift they do. I luckily have a husband who can appreciate how I feel and its nice to know we understand each other's jobs completely. I was one of those girls who grew up dreaming of the wedding...knowing I would find my prince charming..knowing one day I would be a wife and eventually a mother. I realized in that moment listening to Dr Phil, I'm trying to find happiness in something that I believe will never completely make me happy. I get more fulfillment from my days off spent cleaning house, running errands and cooking my husband dinner than I get from any amount of work at my full time job.
I know right now I have to be a working wife, I certainly wouldn't want to put all the financial troubles on my husband and I do believe I would get bored being at home by myself. But hopefully in the future we will be well enough to allow me to be a stay at home mother. I completely understand and respect working moms, to each their own and sometimes the need of a family requires both parents to work, hopefully the Lord has it in his plans to let me stay home. Since my realization I think I have been less bothered by my job.

Since Craig is working and trying to finish school, I spend a lot of time just hanging out relaxing after work and I have come to realize I want some hobbies. I did decide one of my resolutions for this year is to read a fun book every month...January is Twilight, which by the way is much better than I expected, so I have been enjoying spending time reading while Craig studies.

For the hobbies part I have a few ideas:
1. Baking! I love baking, I love making and decorating cakes. I got some really nice cake decorating items for Christmas and can't wait to use them. Its tough making a cake for just two people, Craig and I certainly don't need the extra sweets in our house so we might be celebrating some Happy Un-birthday's just so I can start baking
2. Photography: I love photos! I love taking them, being in them, looking at other people's photos. I could spend hours looking at them. I have been looking at the possibility of photography classes and will see where that takes me this year
3. Scrapbooking: plays on my love of photos. I have been trying to catch up on scrapbooking for the past year :) I did get a minor delay when I decided to make all of the parents scrapbooks of the wedding for Christmas presents. I hope to catch of this year and get really organized with it. I figure it I can get it organized it will be much easier to stay current with it.

For the most part 2010 has been pretty good. I'm enjoying life, loving being a wife and can't wait to see what else life brings our way.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Year in Pictures

So here is the past year in photos:

Valentines Day in Daytona

Cortney visiting at our wedding shower

Rehearsal Dinner

Rehearsal Dinner

Our Wedding Party

Our Wedding Night

Honeymoon...I have so many pictures but this was one of my favorites

First Month Anniversary

My Birthday

Craig's Birthday

Journey Concert

FSU game

Starting the drive to MD

Our attempt at Gingerbread houses

Christmas Eve

What a decade!

So seeing that the last time I blogged was last year...almost to the date I figured I would try this again.
I decided to steal Brandi's idea and start the year off by looking back to the last ten years of my life and see what happened.

* My parents completed our family by adding a little brother. I absolutely love all my siblings but Jacob has such a special place in my heart, I was old enough to really remember everything about him being a baby.
* I went to 3 different high schools. It was really frustrating at times moving so much but its something that I truly enjoyed and I am thankful for the memories made.
* I graduated high school with honors
* I learned to drive... and even bought my own car, paid that off last decade too
* I made one of the biggest moves of my life, decided to leave my parents & move to Pensacola to attend college. I came here to just get my Bachelors, had no intention of staying beyond graduation.
* I lived in 6 different houses, including my own little apartment. I was so proud to move out on my own and enjoyed every minute of it.
* I met my husband. I still remember the exact moment I met Craig and still get giggly thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband
* I finished college! Wow, what an accomplishment that was, still frustrating sometimes when I like I'm not using what I worked so hard for.
* I got married :)
* I got to travel some amazing places and look forward to many more vacations

The last year of the decade: 2009

*Craig and I started the year after playing Apples to Apples with Brett and Elizabeth. It was so exciting to ring in "Our Year..2009"
*Senior Bowl, it for my fourth senior bowl and awesome as always.

*Craig and I celebrated our last Valentine's day as an unmarried couple. We also celebrated our one year of being engaged.
*We spent Valentine's Day in Daytona...watching the race. Craig had one two tickets from work and it was a blast.

*My sister came to visit for a week and helped throw us a couples wedding shower
*I started my job at NFCU and got to sit next to Brandi. Our job can be so stressful at times it was nice sitting next to her. We no longer sit next to each other and I miss having her to talk to constantly. I am so happy we got to know each so well...I consider her one of my best friends
*Craig got in the truck accident. Wow what a scary experience to get to a scene and only see a smashed truck, I'm so thankful the car accident wasn't any worse
*Roy Jones Fight

*Final month countdown
*Bachlorette party

* My parents came down to visit and it was so nice to be able to spend time with them.
* My great grandmother passed away about a week prior to the wedding. It was sad to see her go especially just prior to the wedding. I know she was ready to go and living any longer was just painful. I am thankful I got to see her in the last days of her life and say my goodbyes. I was even able to get her wedding corsage early for her to wear to the funeral
* WE GOT MARRIED...yah I know I said it twice. But I love being a wife
* We went on an amazing honeymoon to St Lucia. Craig planned the whole thing as a surprise, I had no idea where we were going until Sunday the 10th and we left on Monday

*To celebrate our first month of marriage we drove to Destin to eat dinner at PF Changs...amazing
*I turned 24!
*Craig and I spent my birthday weekend in Atlanta watching baseball and playing at Six Flags

*We celebrated Fourth of July at the beach

*Craig started back to school. I tried to be a good wife and not bother him while he studied

*Craig turned 25
*Got to go see Journey and Night Ranger...awesome

*Celebrated Kevin and Juli's Wedding...our first wedding married.
*Went to a FSU happy we got to see a game Bobby's last year

*Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple

*Our first Christmas married
*Drove to MD to visit my family for Christmas
*Rang in the new year in our living room, toasting to each other and another amazing year
*Got to show Craig some new places...DC and PA.
*Traveled through over 20 inches of snow to get to MD

I feel so blessed and can't wait to see what the future holds. To my family and friends who have made the past year amazing, thank you for your love and support. I hope the new year brings you more joy and happiness

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 is going to be fine!

Wow its already 2009! I am so excited about this year...we are getting seemed like 2009 was so long to wait yet we are only 4 months from getting married.
I realized its been some time since I last much has happened. So I just going to skip to the holidays!
This Christmas was one to was my first Christmas not waking up early and running upstairs with my siblings to open presents. Instead I stayed in Pensacola and spent Christmas with Craig. Craig came over early and opened presents with me...which was so much fun and he did a great job. My favorite present from him was a beautiful picture frame that he not only purchased but went and picked out the five photos for the frame. I just loved how much thought he put into the frame and picking the photos...he explained why he picked each photo and it was sweet to know why he liked certain pictures. He also got me a frame that says Always Kiss Me Goodnight...which is something I always say. My family also sent me a packaage with lots of presents and it was nice to have things from them to make the day special even though I couldn't be with them. Craig and I opened those presents and than headed to his dad's to open presents. Craig and I than spent the rest of the day running around to family's houses visiting.
New Years this year was a lot more low key than last year. We first went to Hall's Seafood to celebrate Brett's Birthday. After dinner is was pretty cool downtown so we decided to head back to Brett and Elizabeth's and play games. We played Apples to Apples for like 3 hours and just had such a great time. We did stop to countdown, take a glass of champagne and get a kiss :) I of course got really excited at midnight realizing its the finally the year we are getting married!
I am so looking forward to 2009...this year is going to go so fast. I can't wait to see what happens and know that everything is going to be great. We already have so much planned and its only the first week. Senior bowl is right around the corner...and I love football! Than we start finalizing plans for the wedding and than its going to be here so fast.
Happy New Year to everyone!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Summer of a Lifetime

Wow its mid-August already the summer has gone by way toooo fast! I heard that the county schools start back next week, which although I am not going to school anymore it makes me realize summer is almost over :(
So much has happened this summer, from moving out to my own apartment, finding the most beautiful wedding dress, planning a wedding, graduating, watching someone I love very much go through a lot of pain and still is, lots of wedding talk not just by me... wow I could keep going.
This month Craig and I will celebrate our one year since we were officially going out. And we celebrated our negative 9 months until the wedding. I am so excited about the wedding. At this point I would love to forget about all of the planning and just get to the aisle to wear my dress and become Mrs Pitts. Craig has been so patient with my planning I know I talk ALOT about it, I just want it to be perfect!
Last weekend we got to celebrate Tim and Brandi's Bridal Shower...80s style! It was a blast! Than we got to sing karaoke in our outfits! We had such a great time and I have found that I love singing karaoke! Brandi was such a great partner! Brandi and Tim get married next month and I am so excited to go see them get married, they are just adorable together and when you are around them you can just see how much they love each other. I know their wedding is going to absolutely beautiful!
I am still looking for a job! Luckily I have Beefs to fall back on but I am hoping that something better comes fast!
This Saturday we get to celebrate Craig's grandparents 50th Anniversary, WOW! I love getting to see his family and they love having celebrations. Celebrating 50 years is amazing and his grandparents are still so much in love.
So I know a bunch of random comments from my life, I know I have neglected my blog but life gets so busy sometimes and I am loving every moment of it!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New JOB!

So its been awhile since I last posted but I felt today was a great time to come back. I interviewed Tuesday with the Villas in Gulf Breeze, which is an assisted living facility. The job offer for the Marketing Director and Assitant Admin position. The interview went really well and I was really hoping for a call back. They called me in this morning and offered me the JOB! I am so excited right now! I basically get to meet people and find out if they are good potential clients for the facility. I am also in charge of several of the departments in the facility and I absolutly loved being a manager before. I know that its going to be a challenge because there is so much to learn, but I am so ready for the challenge. I have been hoping for a job like this!
I had originally wanted a job at NFCU and was really disappointed when I didn't get the job. Than I applied for another awesome job and got told I wasn't qualified. Its amazing how God places things in your life at the perfect moment, I often forget to rely on him and realize he has the best plan in mind.
More after the awesome weekend ahead!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What a month!

So I see that I have neglected my blog for sometime! Its been a crazy past of weeks. Craig is getting better. I am really trying not to say much because I do not want to hurt our lawsuit case.
I finally got an apartment! I love it! I am still getting settled in and fixing things how I want them. I just love having my OWN place, nothing like being able to go to your own place at night. Craig will move in once we are married, so he has been such a help in choosing things and helping me place things in the apartment. Plus I love watching him walk around and say things he is going to fix and make better! I love having a handy man!
I have been job searching, which really is not turning out so well. I just hope that I can get a job soon! I want to do something that requires my five years of hard work and that piece of paper! Plus I need benefits, funny thing once you graduate your parents insurance no longer wants to carry you!
Craig and I got to go the Maryland. My sister Cortney was graduating for high school so I wanted to be there to watch. We had decided that we would drive over to New Orleans and fly out there. We spent the night right next to Jackson's Square. We ate dinner at a really cute restaurant on Bourbon Street, I have always wanted to sit on the balcony of a restaurant and it was beautiful! Plus we got the chance to people watch from above which was fun! Than we headed to Baltimore the next morning. I love visiting my family, I wish they lived closer. We got to visit Inner Harbor some and saw a Baltimore Orioles game! Craig even got a shirt and hat to wear to the game! I loved seeing him wear one of the my favorite team's colors! Than it was back home to reality! I have definitely come to appreciate Craig with two good hands. I never realized how much he helped me before, especially when we travel. He usually helps with luggage and carrying items, mostly all of my little extras I am sure I will need on the trip! I just hope he gets better soon. I hate seeing him in pain and not able to do some of the smallest things.
Wedding plans are still in the works. We signed the contract for the Garden Center and I have to turn in the papers for the church. I was able to get 3 of the bridesmaids dresses when we drove through Mobile. They look beautiful! I am so happy with the color, which Craig picked out! My only preference was BLUE and he picked the particular blue Cornflower. I can't wait to see all of the girls in their dresses. I am still in the process of looking for decorations. I found a wonderful photography that my friend Brandi is using for her wedding. I saw Brandi's engagement photos and they are amazing! I can't wait to get ours!
Well thats enough for now...its almost time to celebrate my BIRTHDAY WEEK! Hopefully the month of June is not as crazy for May was!